Event Description
The influential European Climate Change Adaptation (ECCA) Conference returns in person (+ online) in 2023, bringing climate science, policy and practice together to under the sub-title ‘Actionable knowledge for a climate resilient Europe’.
ECCA2023 is being organised by a European-wide Advisory Committee led by JPI Climate and climate project, MAGICA, supported by the European Commission. It will be held in Ireland for the first time, in Dublin, from June 19th-21st, 2023, showcasing real-world examples of adaptation measures around state-of-the-art science and research for a climate resilient Europe.
A fresh blend of solution-driven programme events will facilitate face-to-face conversations, informal and formal knowledge exchange, showcasing the impact of leading climate research projects. Face-to-face networking will re-connect existing relations and enable new contacts to be formed with new organisations and personalities that have joined the climate adaption communities since the pandemic.
ECCA 2023 has 6 themes:
- Stepping Up Climate Action: Support Through Climate Platforms and Services
- Adaptation Responses to Sea Level Rise and Coastal Change
- Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation
- Preparing for More Frequent and Severe Climate Extremes
- Reframing Societal Transformation by Challenging Underlying Assumptions
- Climate and social resilience of future energy infrastructure and systems
Calls for content will be issued in January via a new ECCA website.
If you would like to receive notifications about ECCA, please email secretariat@jpi-climate.belspo.be