Qualification, Name of Course |
Institution |
Duration of course |
Course Contact |
Part-time option available? |
Further information |
Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma/MSc. in Circular Economy Leadership for the Built Environment |
Atlantic Technological University, Galway |
Post grad. Cert. 1 year
Post grad. Diploma in Science 2 years
MSc. 3 years |
Mark Kelly
Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma mark.kelly@atu.ie
MSc. learn.galwaymayo@atu.ie |
yes |
Circular Economy Leadership for the Built Environment - Atlantic Technological University
MSc. Conservation Behavior |
Atlantic Technological University, Galway |
1 year full time |
Martin Gammell
no |
Conservation Behaviour - Atlantic Technological University
BSc. Environmental Science with Ecology |
Atlantic Technological University, Sligo |
3 years full time |
Admissions office
no |
https://www.itsligo.ie/courses/bachelor-of-science-in-environmental-science-with-ecology/ |
BSc. Advanced Wood and Sustainable Building Technology |
Atlantic Technological University, Sligo |
3 years full time |
Admissions office
no |
https://www.itsligo.ie/courses/bsc-advanced-wood-and-sustainable-building-technology/ |
BSc. Environmental Management (Online) |
Atlantic Technological University, Sligo |
2 years part time |
Admissions office
admissions.sligo@atu.ie |
yes |
BSc. Environmental Science with Ecology |
Atlantic Technological University, Sligo |
3 years full time |
Admissions office
Admissions.sligo@atu.ie |
no |
Environmental Science with Ecology - Atlantic Technological University |
MSc. Environmental Protection (Online) |
Atlantic Technological University, Sligo |
3 years |
Admissions office
admissions.sligo@atu.ie |
yes |
https://www.itsligo.ie/courses/postgraduate-diploma-in-environmental-protection/ |
Environmental Studies (Laboratory Techniques)
Cork College of FET |
1 year full time |
no |
BA in Climate & Environmental Sustainability |
Dublin City University |
3-4 Years Full Time
historyandgeography@dcu.ie |
no |
Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy Systems 2025-2026 list of courses are not published yet |
Dublin City University |
1 year full time |
James Carton
yes |
https://springboardcourses.ie/details/10000 |
M.Eng. Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ( Sustainable Systems and Energy) |
Dublin City University |
1 year full time/2 years part time |
James Carton
yes |
MSc. Climate Change: Policy, Media and Society |
Dublin City University |
1 year full time/2 years part time
David Robbins
david.robbins@dcu.ie |
yes |
https://www.dcu.ie/courses/Postgraduate/law_and_government/MSc-Climate-Change-Policy-Media-and-Society.shtml#tab1 |
MSc. Renewable Energy Systems |
Dundalk Institute of Technology |
1 year full time |
Peter Ryan
yes |
Applied Ecology and Biodiversity (Level 5) |
Dundrum College of Further Education |
1 year full time |
no |
Applied Ecology and Biodiversity - Dundrum College of Further Education |
Sustainability & the Built Environment (Level 5) |
Dundrum College of Further Education |
1 year full time |
yes |
Professional Certification in Climate Action and Sustainability Reporting |
Institute of Public Administration |
1 year part time |
sustainability@ipa.ie |
yes |
https://www.ipa.ie/public-management/professional-certificate-in-climate-action-and-sustainability-reporting.6390.html |
Level 5 Certificate/Pre University Environmental and Biodiversity Studies |
Killester College of Further Education, Dublin |
1 year full time |
no |
BEng. Environmental Engineering |
Munster Technological University |
3 years full time |
infocork@mtu.ie |
no |
https://www.cit.ie/course/MT761 |
BEng. Sustainable Energy Engineering |
Munster Technological University |
4 years full time |
infocork@mtu.ie |
no |
BSc. Environmental Science & Sustainable Technology |
Munster Technological University |
4 years full time |
infocork@mtu.ie |
no |
https://www.cit.ie/course/MT878 |
BSc. Transport Management |
Munster Technological University |
2 years |
infocork@mtu.ie |
yes |
BSc. Earth and Ocean Sciences |
University of Galway |
4 years full time |
Peter Croot
no |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/undergraduate-courses/earth-and-ocean-sciences.html |
BSc. Geography and Geosystems |
University of Galway |
4 years full time |
Audrey Morley
no |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/undergraduate-courses/geography-and-geosystems.html#course_overview |
MA Environment, Society and Development |
University of Galway |
1 year, full-time; 2 years, part-time |
John Morrissey
yes |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/geography-environment-society-development.html |
MA International Development Practice
University of Galway |
1 year, full-time |
Una Murray
No |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/international-development-practice.html/ |
MA Planning and Development |
University of Galway |
1 year, full-time |
Therese Conway
no |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/planning-and-development.html |
MSc. Global Environmental Economics |
University of Galway |
1 year full time/2 years part time |
Dr Luke McGrath
yes |
https://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/global-environmental-economics.html#course_keyfacts |
MSc. Biodiversity & Land-Use Planning |
University of Galway |
2 years part time / 2-6 years modular |
Gesche Kindermann
gesche.kindermann@universityofgalway.ie |
yes |
http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/biodiversity-land-use-planning.html |
MSc. Coastal and Marine Environments |
University of Galway |
1 year full time/ 2 years part-time |
Dr Gordon Bromley
gordon.bromley@universityofgalway.ie |
yes |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/coastal-marine-environments.html |
MSc. Environmental Leadership |
University of Galway |
1 year full time |
Gesche Kindermann
gesche.kindermann@universityofgalway.ie |
no |
http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/environmental-leadership.html |
MSc. Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate |
University of Galway |
1 year full time |
Peter Croot
peter.croot@universityofgalway.ie |
no |
https://www.universityofgalway.ie |
MSc. Sustainable Environments |
University of Galway |
1 year full time |
Caitríona Carlin
caitriona.carlin@universityofgalway.ie |
no |
http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/sustainable-environments.html |
MSc. Sustainable Resource Management: Policy and Practice |
University of Galway |
1 year full time |
Caitríona Carlin
caitriona.carlin@universityofgalway.ie |
no |
http://www.nuigalway.ie/courses/taught-postgraduate-courses/sustainable-resource-management.html |
BSc. Biological and Geographical Sciences |
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
4 years full time |
Stephen McCarron
no |
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/undergraduate-studies/courses/bsc-biological-and-geographical-sciences |
MA in Geography |
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
1 year full time or 2 year part-time |
Patrick Bresnihan
patrick.bresnihan@mu.ie |
yes |
MA GEOGRAPHY | Maynooth University |
MA in Spatial Justice |
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
1 year full time or 2 year part-time |
Patrick Bresnihan
patrick.bresnihan@mu.ie |
yes |
MSc. Climate Change
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
1 year full time |
Conor Murphy
conor.murphy@mu.ie |
no |
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/postgraduate-studies/courses/msc-climate-change |
MSc. GIS and Remote Sensing |
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
1 year full time |
Dr. Conor Cahalane
conor.cahalane@mu.ie |
no |
https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/study-maynooth/postgraduate-studies/courses/msc-geograpinformation-systems-remote-sensing |
Micro-Credential: Climate Action and Sustainable Development |
National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
12 weeks part-time |
Patrick Bresnihan
patrick.bresnihan@mu.ie |
yes |
Certificate in Environmental Studies with Business |
Rathmines College of Further Education, Dublin |
1 year full time |
no |
https://www.rathminescollege.ie/courses/certificate-in-environmental-studies-with-business/ |
BEng (Hons) in Sustainable Energy Engineering
South East Technological University, Waterford
4 years full time |
Colm Tynan
clm.tynan@setu.ie |
no |
SETU | BEng (Hons) in Sustainable Energy Engineering |
MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering
South East Technological University, Waterford |
1-2 years |
Mervin Doyle
mervin.doyle@setu.ie |
yes |
SETU | MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering
BSc. Architectural Technology |
Technological University Dublin |
4 years full time |
Kirk McCormack
Kirk.mccormack@tudublin.ie |
no |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/undergraduate/courses/architectural-technology-tu831/ |
BSc. Planning & Environmental Management |
Technological University Dublin |
4 years full time |
David O’Connor
no |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/undergraduate/courses/planning-and-environmental-management-tu835/?keywords=tu835 |
MEng. in Sustainable Infrastructure |
Technological University Dublin |
1 year full time |
Dr. Niall Holmes niall.holmes@tudublin.ie
no |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/sustainable-infrastructure/ |
MSc. Building Performance (EED) |
Technological University Dublin |
2.5 years part time |
Kirk McCormack
kirk.mccormack@tudublin.ie |
yes |
https://tudublin.ie |
MSc. Energy Management |
Technological University Dublin |
3 years part time |
Emma Robinson
yes |
https://tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/energy-management2/ |
MSc. Geographic Information Science |
Technological University Dublin |
1 year full time/2 years part time
no |
https://tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/geographic-information-science/ |
MSc. Spatial Planning |
Technological University Dublin |
2.5 years part time |
Odran Reid
Odran.Reid@TUDublin.ie |
yes |
https://tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/spatial-planning/ |
MSc. Sustainable Development |
Technological University Dublin |
1 year full time
Gerard Doyle
gerard.doyle@tudublin.ie |
no |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/sustainable-development/ |
MSc. Sustainable Transport and Mobility |
Technological University Dublin |
2 years part time |
Lorraine D’Arcy
yes |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/transport-and-mobility/ |
MSc. Urban Regeneration |
Technological University Dublin |
2 years part time |
Sarah Rock
yes |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/urban-regeneration-and-development/ |
MEng. Sustainable Infrastructure |
Technological University Dublin |
1 year full time/2 years part time
Niall Holmes
niall.holmes@tudublin.ie |
yes |
https://www.tudublin.ie/study/postgraduate/courses/sustainable-infrastructure/?keywords=sustainable |
BSc. (Ord) Environmental, Health & Safety Management |
Technological University of the Shannon, Athlone |
2 years part time |
Iain Murray
Iain.murray@tus.ie |
yes |
Environmental, Health and Safety Management -BSc - TUS |
B.A. (Moderatorship) Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(Earth, Environmental and Geology Sciences) |
Trinity College Dublin |
4 years full time |
zoboes@tcd.ie |
no |
https://www.tcd.ie/courses/undergraduate/courses/environmental-sciences-biological-and-biomedical-sciences/ |
B.A. (Moderatorship) Geography and Geoscience |
Trinity College Dublin |
4 years full time |
School of Natural Sciences, Geology Department
earth@tcd.ie |
no |
Geography and Geoscience - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
MSc. Energy Science |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year full time/2 years part-time |
Stephen Dooley
yes |
https://www.tcd.ie/courses/energyscience/index.php |
MSc. Environmental Science |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Dr. Juan Diego Rodriguez-Blanco rodrigjd@tcd.ie
no |
https://naturalscience.tcd.ie/postgraduate/msc-envirsci/ |
MSc.Engineering (Environmental / Structural and Geotechnical / Transport/ Sustainable Energy) |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year full time/ 2 years part time |
David O’Connell
yes |
Engineering (Environmental / Structural and Geotechnical / Transport/ Sustainable Energy) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
MSc./Postgraduate Diploma Biodiversity and Conservation |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year full time |
School of Natural Sciences
no |
Biodiversity and Conservation (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
Cimate Leadership Development Micro-Credential |
Trinity College Dublin |
13 weeks |
Gail Weadick
no |
Climate Leadership Development - Micro-credential - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
Postgraduate Certificate Climate Entrepreneurship |
Trinity College Dublin |
18 weeks |
no |
Climate Entrepreneurship (P. Grad. Cert.) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
MSc./Postgraduate Diploma Climate Adaptation Engineering |
Trinity College Dublin |
I year full time |
John Gallagher
no |
Climate Adaptation Engineering (M.Sc. / P.Grad.Dip.) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
B.Sc. Honours Bachelor Degree Environmental Science and Engineering |
Trinity College Dublin |
5 years full time |
envscieng@tcd.ie |
No |
Environmental Science and Engineering - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy and the Environment |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year part time |
Debbie Walsh
yes |
Sustainable Energy and the Environment (P.Grad. Dip) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
BE/ME in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering |
University College Cork |
4 years full time |
Denis Kelleher
no |
BEng. Energy Engineering |
University College Cork |
4 years full time
Brian Ó Gallachóir
schoolofengineering@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ck600/energy/ |
BSc. Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences |
University College Cork |
4 years full time |
Mary McSweeney
M.McSweeney@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ck404/ |
MSc./Post Graduate Diploma/Certificate Zero Carbon Technology |
Trinity College Dublin |
1 year full time2 or 3 years part time
stuartch@tcd.ie |
yes |
Zero Carbon Technology (M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip/Cert.) - Courses | Trinity College Dublin |
BSc. Ecology and Environmental Biology |
University College Cork |
4 years full time
Emer Rogan
e.rogan@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ck404/ecology/ |
BSc. Environmental Science |
University College Cork |
4 years full time
Marcel Jansen
bees@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ck404/environmental/ |
BSc. Geoscience |
University College Cork |
4 years full time |
Patrick Meere
bees@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ck404/geosciences/ |
Diploma in Environment, Sustainability and Climate |
University College Cork |
2 years part time
Lucia Herminda Gonzalez
yes |
Environment, Sustainability and Climate Diploma | UCC | University College Cork | Cork | Ireland |
Law - LLM (Environmental and Natural Resources Law) |
University College Cork |
1 year full time/2 years part time |
Owen McIntyre
o.mcintyre@ucc.ie |
yes |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ckl48/ |
MEng.Sc. Sustainable Energy |
University College Cork |
1 years full time |
Frances Judge
frances.judge@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ckr26/ |
MPlan. Planning and Sustainable Development |
University College Cork |
2 years full time |
Tina McSweeney
t.mcsweeney@ucc.ie |
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/cke69/ |
MSc. Co-operatives, Agri-Food and Sustainable Development |
University College Cork |
1 year full time |
Olive McCarthy
no |
Sustainable Development, Agri-Food and Co-operatives MSc | University College Cork | UCC | Ireland | Postgraduate Degree | Courses <br /> |
Postgrad Diploma in Planning and Sustainable Development |
University College Cork |
1 year full time |
Brendan O’Sullivan
no |
https://www.ucc.ie/en/ckc19/ |
Msc./ Graduate Diploma/ Graduate Certificate in Environmental Sustainability |
University College Dublin |
2 years full time MSc,/ 1 year Diploma/Certificate |
sustainabilityonline@ucd.ie |
yes |
http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Course%20Prospectus%201.pdf |
Graduate Diploma in Design Thinking for Sustainability |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
innovation.academy@ucd.ie |
no |
https://www.innovators.ie/design-thinking-sustainability/ |
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Sustainability |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Mary Kelly-Quinn
no |
http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Course%20Prospectus%201.pdf |
MSc. (Agr) Environmental Resource Management |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Saoirse Tracy
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=X089 |
MSc. (Agr) Rural Environmental Conservation & Management |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time/2 years part time |
Helen Sheridan
no |
https://hub.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=D029 |
MSc. Climate Change: Science & Impacts |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Kate O’Hanlon
Kate.hanlon@ucd.ie |
no |
UCDMScClimateChange.pdf |
MSc. Environmental and Climate Law |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Justine McCann
yes |
MSc Environmental & Climate Law - Programme Details (ucd.ie) |
MSc. Environmental Policy |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Katie O'Neill
Katie.oneill@ucd.ie |
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=W269 |
MSc. Applied Environmental Science |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Jan-Robert Baars
ei.dcu@sraab.trebornaj |
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=X062 |
MSc. Environmental Sustainability |
University College Dublin |
2 years full time/maximum 4 years part time |
Dr Elke Eichelmann
elke.eichelmann@ucd.ie |
yes |
http://www.ucd.ie/t4cms/Course%20Prospectus%201.pdf |
MSc. Environmental Technology |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Tom Curran
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=MAJR&MAJR=X565 |
MSc. Sustainable Energy & Green Technologies |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Katie O'Neill
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=X413 |
MSc. Sustainable Energy & Green Technologies |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Kevin McDonnell
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=MAJR&MAJR=X413 |
MSc. Urban Design & Planning |
University College Dublin |
1 year full time |
Katie O'Neill
no |
https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=W332 |
BSc. Environmental Science |
University of Limerick |
4 years full time |
Dr. Peter Davern
no |
https://www.ul.ie/courses/bachelor-science-environmental-science |
Higher Diploma in Environmental Science |
University of Limerick |
1 year full time |
Dr Peter Davern
peter.davern@ul.ie |
no |
https://www.ul.ie/gps/environmental-science-higher-diploma |
Environmental Studies |
Whitehall College of Further Education |
1 year full time |
no |
https://whitehallcollege.com/courses/applied-health-environment/environmental-conservation-and-planning# |
Level 5 - Environmental Sustainability in the Workplace |
Solas |
25 hours |
Local Education and Training Board
yes |
green-brochure.pdf (solas.ie) |