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Coastal Dynamics 2021: Dune Dynamics

Events Programme

Coastal Dynamics 2021: Dune Dynamics

28 Jun 2021

Event Duration

08:30 - 15:30

Event Description

Delft University of Technology and the Dutch community for coastal research welcomes you to The Netherlands for the 8th edition of the Coastal Dynamics Conference, held from 28 June until 2 July 2021.

The conference theme is “Shaping the Future of our Coasts”, and we invite scientists and practitioners from all over the world to contribute their insights and research results of how nature and humans are shaping our coasts, now and in the future.

This "short course" will address the complexity of natural and managed coastal dunes. Worldwide there has been an increasing attention for medium to long term management strategies for coastal dunes while coastal dunes provide a multitude of functions. This has led to new scientific insights regarding process knowledge, data collection, sensing techniques and modelling capabilities but also an increasing number of real life case studies with large monitoring programs. In this short course we will synthesis these new insights and knowledge developments using specific examples and outcomes of recent research. The participants will be introduced to several real life cases,  basic and advanced knowledge on physical processes and applied numerical techniques (AEOLIS and AEOLUS models). 
Price Euro 100, including VAT / Free of costs for students. Futher information can be found Here.

Register for the event HERE