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Case Study:

Energy Performance Contracts



2020, leisure centres were identified from an energy audit as being very high energy users and suitable for an energy performance contract. As sports facilities are typically high energy users, Dublin City Council is using the energy performance contract model to upgrade these facilities rather than using more traditional methods. Initial independent audits indicated that greater than 30% energy efficiency improvement was realistic. Dublin City Council obtained SEAI support through the form of a contract, workshops, and technical assistance. This is an opportunity to significantly improve energy efficiency with a guaranteed performance (as per contract) that mitigates financial and performance risk for Dublin City Council. The project of improving the energy efficiency of these facilities is facilitated by Codema. The Deputy Chief Executive of Dublin City Council was also a senior management sponsor of the project.


An energy performance contract is a contractual agreement by an energy services company to guarantee energy savings over an agreed period. It differs from the traditional method of carrying out energy efficiency measures, as the energy services company must ensure that a guaranteed level of savings is achieved, and the contractor is paid based on measured and verified performance.

Dublin City Council has two energy performance contracts delivering guaranteed energy savings across 10 of its public leisure and community sports facilities. The suite of measures includes CHP upgrades, BMS, LED lighting controls, and solar PV installations, all operating within a defined list of client requirements (e.g., pool temperature 29°C, etc.).

Benefits of solution

From this solution, Dublin City Council expects a reduction of more than 1,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions and more than 5GWs reduction in energy consumption.

Two energy performance contracts are scheduled to deliver a net saving of ¤2.5 million (42% energy and 46% cost savings verified from the latest measured and verified report for the first project). Additional contracts are under consideration. There is potential to scale across local authorities to make effective use of limited resources and avoid duplication in the face of increasingly challenging energy efficiency targets for 2030 (energy performance contracts are more suited to greater than ¤1m capital investment). Contractors are subsequently more prepared to invest capital in projects delivering guaranteed performance.

These changes mean improved conditions for leisure centre users, improved maintenance of assets in those facilities, and a reduction in workload for facility manager.

Project Details:

The first energy performance contract started the service phase in December 2016. The second contract is in a works phase, due to enter service in December 2019.


Local authority project contact
Cormac Healy
Tel: 01 222 3990

Further information