Local Authority Climate Action Plans (LA CAPs)
Local authorities are key drivers in advancing climate policy at community level through regulatory and strategic functions and relationships.
Ireland’s Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act (2021) requires each local authority to prepare a Local Authority Climate Action Plan (LACAP) to meet national climate targets and develop resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Each Local Authority went through a plan preparation process during 2023 and adopted their LACAP by the end of Quarter 1, 2024. The 31 LACAPs, which have a five-year statutory remit, aim to deliver global and national climate targets and implement national climate policy. They are consistent with the most recently approved National Climate Action Plan and National Adaptation Framework and demonstrate the ambition, focus and commitment of each local authority to reduce carbon emissions and improve the quality of life for people living, working and studying in their administrative area.
As part of its local authority climate action plan, each local authority is responsible for establishing a decarbonising zone within their local authority area. Decarbonising zones (DZs) are intended to be the focus for a range of climate mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity measures and will help local authorities to identify projects which will contribute to the delivery of the national climate objective.
The Climate Action Regional Offices (CAROs) have performed an analysis of all 31 Local Authority Climate Action Plans to produce a high-level report of preliminary findings. The CAROs have also prepared summary reports for key sectors and stakeholders.