Department Of Housing Local Government and Heritage - Public/Private partnership
A Public/Private Partnership (PPP) is an arrangement between the public and private sector that delivers infrastructure and or services which were traditionally provided by the public sector. It is just one of a number of forms of procurement available to the public sector.
PPPs are seen as an economically efficient way of providing infrastructure. PPP projects have been typically used in areas such as water, wastewater, housing, urban regeneration, waste infrastructure and local government services. The DHLGH PPP Unit is available to provide information and assistance to Local Authorities who are considering the PPP option.
Edge Fund
Edge Fund is a grantmaking body with a difference: we support efforts to achieve social, economic and environmental justice, and to end imbalances of wealth and power. They fund projects that aim to create long-term change in society by addressing injustice and inequality. Their funds are directed towards community groups and NGOs based in Ireland and the UK only.
Energy Performance Contracts
Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) provide energy services with guaranteed energy savings. All energy saving measures are implemented by an Energy Service Company (ESCO) and financed from the resulting savings with no risk to the building manager as energy savings are contractually agreed.
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Biodiversity Funding
The National Parks and Wildlife Services provide a guide to recommended funding sources for biodiversity through national, European and international organisations.
Waterways Ireland
Waterways Ireland works in a strategic alliance with 14 Local Authorities and other stakeholders to facilitate the funding and development of greenways, blue ways and recreational amenities associated with the waterbodies in their remit.
The main waterbodies include the Royal Canal, the Erne System, the Shannon Navigation, the Lower Bann Navigation, the Shannon-Erne Waterway, the Grand Canal and the Barrow Navigation.
Funding is also available for individuals, public, private or voluntary sector organisations or legally constituted clubs/associations to run Waterways Ireland events. This support can be operational, promotional and or financial and/or marketing support.
The Agricultural and Food Development Authority is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities.
It provides advice to private and public landowners on a range of funding opportunities including afforestation, native woodlands, agro forestry, forestry for fibre and reestablishment of native woodlands.
Community Gain Funds
Community Gain Funds provide financial assistance to a community as part of the development of infrastructure in that community e.g. windfarm, transport infrastructure or an industrial facility. The fund can be a requirement of legislation or for a licence condition for a particular facility.
The fund typically has application timelines and dates managed by an advisory or steering group. The fund is usually directed to community based clubs or groups, voluntary organisations, educational groups, individuals or businesses for the development of educational, environmental, community and recreational projects.
The recently published
Wind Energy Development Guidelines have a specific section included on community investment and dividend for local communities.
Examples of community gain funds include;
Covanta Waste to Energy Community Gain Fund,
Board Na Mona Community Gain Fund,
ESB Windfarm Community Gain Funds,
Dublin Airport Community Fund.
Philanthropic and Private Funding
Philanthropic and Private Funding has structures with set amounts, categories and application dates. It is also accessed by communities or groups contacting a corporate entity looking for funding for a project which could be supported through a Corporate Social Responsibility or Environmental, Social Governance Programme.
Examples of private funding are Apple's Restore Fund,removes%20carbon%20from%20the%20atmosphere and WWF's Landscape Resilience Fund
Community Foundation for Ireland
The Community Foundation for Ireland is one of the largest philanthropic organisations in Ireland. Established in 2000 with the support of Government and the business sector.
It allows families, individuals, corporations, trusts and foundations to channel monies, donations, wills, bequests and tax relief in a trusted way back into the community. To do this, the fund facilitates the creation of permanent endowment funds and donor advised funds , international giving , the gifting to causes and charities using wills and bequests, tax relief and the matching of donors to thematic funds.
The fund offers online support and access to professional advisors to assist grantees and donors to make their applications.
The grants available are either: open, so that they can be applied for at any time or; thematic, they have a specific focus with timelines and criteria.
Some of the themes which could be aligned to climate actions include the The Environment and Nature Fund, (enhancement of biodiversity in communities through support for actions and access to ecological expertise to do plans etc) The Bank Of Ireland Begin Together Fund 2020, (Global Action Plan, NGO, Mens Sheds ) The Older Persons Fund (promotion of civic engagement for older persons).
Energia Get Ireland Growing
The Energia Get Ireland Growing Fund in an all of Ireland initiative in partnership with Grow It Yourself (GIY). There are three categories for funding ; ‘Sow’, ‘Grow’ and ‘Harvest’, with awards ranging from €500 to €2,000 and a range of food growing prizes e.g. seeds, grow boxes and a Community Garden worth €5,000 for the most inspiring group of growers.
Social Entrepreneurs Ireland
Social Entrepreneurs Ireland provide cash to progress innovations that address social and environmental problems facing Ireland. The cash offer is subject to participation the annual four month Ideas Academy Programme which provides support and training on innovation. Course content focuses on the development of participant ideas, pilot and project set up.
Examples of projects supported by Social Entrepreneurs Ireland include:
Grow it Yourself Ireland (sustainable food production);
- Grow Remote (supporting remote working);
- Evocco (eco-friendly shopping assistant app that helps you track the climate impact of your shopping); (prevention of food waste by redistribution of food waste streams from supermarkets)
- The Irish Mens Sheds Association (counteracting social isolation, practical projects include creating window boxes , planters etc for biodiversity).
Social Enterprise Development Fund 2020
The Social Enterprise Development Fund 2020 is part of the Social Innovation Fund created by Rethink in partnership with Local Authorities Ireland and IPB insurance and the Department of Rural and Community Development (Dormant Accounts Fund). It provides cash grants and access to an Accelerator Business Support Programme for social enterprises.
The aim is for these businesses to increase their social impact, their traded income, create more jobs and to develop long-term effective and sustainable solutions that will improve the economic and social fabric of their community.
LA Waters Community Water Development Fund
The Fund is open to all community and voluntary groups to help in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment. Grants awarded will range from €1,000 to €25,000.
Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund
The Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund was launched in 2020. The fund's primary focus is on areas such as direct carbon removal, digital optimization, advanced energy systems, industrial materials, circular economy, water technologies, sustainable agriculture, and business strategies for nature-based markets. They invest directly in comapnies that demonstrate the viability of emerging climate technology solutions, or work towards meeting the worlds's climate objectives.
Wellcome is a London-based global charitable foundation that funds research in three key areas - Climate and Health, Infectious Disease, and Mental Health. They aim to spend £16 billion by 2032 on projects across a range of academic disciplines – including physical and social sciences, and the humanities – to ensure researchers have what they need to be ambitious, creative, and make new discoveries.